Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Two toothed wonder has left the building

So, we had a lice-free weekend and continued to do mountains of washing to make sure we didn't have any in the linen, and creche called me yesterday morning to say that Daniel had lice again! Oh horrors! They kindly bought some spray and sprayed the 3 infested kids (2 of the original 4 and one new one) and said we could leave them at creche. We did the whole hair washing, combing, washing linen thing all over again last night to catawauls from both of them! Anyway, they (again) seem to be lice-free! Lets hope this time it lasts for more than a few days.

They had their class and individual photos last week Wednesday and they went up on the walls yesterday. The pics are super, so once we have bought them, we will scan in a couple and post for all to see.

Emma is no longer a two-toothed wonder as we noticed all of a sudden yesterday morning that she has one pre-molar and her two top eye teeth! Not sure what has happened to the 'normal' tooth order, but there we go! Daniel has stalled on his 8 and has no new ones yet.

We asked Sharon and Tim if they could look after them for a couple of hours on Friday night and we went to Spur on our own for a change! It was such a nice break from the routine. We also bought them a couple of new picture books hile we were out as they love looking at them all.

The words are coming slowly but surely, with Emma doing very well with identifying: bird, cat, dog, duck, star, moon, flower, wow-wee, mummy, daddy. Daniel has a word for flower; it is 'gowgar', but he emphatically points out every 'gowgar' that crosses our paths!

It is starting to get a little bit chilly, and our thanks go to Granny Lesley for the nice thick fleecy baby grows and also to Aunty Beth for the lovely stripy fleece ones too which are being worn every night! I so wish we could get bigger sizes in baby grows in SA, as I think they are the most practical sleep wear for winter as toes and tummies don't get cold. They stop at 18 months here, and they are too small for Dan.

They seem quite well at present, apart from the periodic creepy-crawlies in their hair. We on the other hand are not faring so well. I am almost finished my course of anti-biotics for a really bad bout of sinusitus, but I am not really too much better and am still very bunged up and coughing. Steve has now also started coughing and is very congested. Oh dear! I do hope it ends soon, as it is really becoming quite tedious.
Daniel wearing one of Mummy's shoes
Enjoying their juice bottles

Daniel driving his bike

Our little musicians!

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