Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Intermittent sleep and rain!

We seem to be having some days where Daniel will go to bed like an angel and others where his tantrums are really awful! Last night and tonight he was super and waved bye-bye to his chair, motorbike, toys and the TV before pottering off to their room. Long may it continue, as the tantrums are exhausting! Emma is getting naughty and cheeky, but is ever so good inbetween all that and doesn't have tantrums anymore (hopefully they don't come back)! She has figured out what is required of her when we ask her to 'smile' but first she screws her face up very tight and only after that does she smile properly - see below some captured pics of her! Daniel hasn't got to that stage yet, and most of the time he just ignores the camera. It will be great when we can get some good ones of him beaming too!
We had a busy weekend, what with seeing our very dear friends Alex and Fred who were here from Belgium for a surprise whistle stop visit, and Caroline came over on Sunday as well. When I took her home on Sunday afternoon, I met her new baby, who is a tiny grey tabby kitten. She has been named Pebbles, and is ever so cute. I got down to her level and took loads of photos. Looking over the pictures afterwards, I was amazed to see that she is only about the size of a brick!
It has rained more or less constantly since last Friday, which has been amazing and really needed, but I am beginning to feel as if it will never dry out again and things are starting to smell damp!
Pebbles with HUGE ears!
Cuteness is...!

Fred, Alex and FEDS

Intense Emma.

Serious Daniel with a mouth full of milk
(in his pj top that caused a tantrum when we eventually took it off!)

Pre-dinner drinks at Forbes' and John's house
(Steve, Fiona, Alex, Leanne, Fred, Forbes and John)

Sitting under Daddy's desk

Dirty Gorgeousness asleep with Daddy!

Still under Daddy's desk (he hid from me when I called him)

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