Thursday, October 16, 2008

Post 245

It has been a bit of a rough week so far. Daniel's cough has really hassled him during the early hours of the night. To ensure he does not wake up Emma, we normally bring him through to our bed - not nice when he performs - as he did on Tuesday night. In fact he had an episode of complete loss of temper which was not nice to watch (there was not much else we could do). He did calm down after a while and had a nice deep sleep after that. Unfortunately it disturbed our night and so we were walking zombies yesterday.

Both Fiona and Daniel have upper respiratory tract infections - Fiona presented herself and Daniel to the doctor yesterday. Both are beginning to get better (with the help of antibiotics, cough medicine, eye drops and a nose spray!).

We've also restarted our winter muti regime of Viral Force for the children and a vitamin pill called "Hot Toddy" for Fiona as they seem to work really well. In fact the only remedies that had an impact.

Otherwise it is getting very hot (over 30 degrees) and dry. They say it will rain over the weekend - not a moment too late. Gauteng is not nice at the end of winter.

We live in momentous financial times - one wonders what the impact of the last week or so will be on the world for the next few years. Interesting to see SA banks being rated higher than Swiss banks! The world as we knew it has changed forever - so have the rules!

Interesting to see where this blog is being viewed from. During this week, we have had hits from Australia, the USA, Canada, and the UK. We have also had almost 5000 hits since we have been counting them.

The Fullers arrive on Saturday.

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