Thursday, December 18, 2008

Time has this habit of catching one out - especially at this time of the year when one is trying to do everything before the big cut-off, and then plan to do so much more in January. As a result, we have both been washed off our feet. Our cameras memory card also decided to stop working and it took a few days to figure how to reformat it.
The twins are both well. Daniel is going through an extremely difficult stage in which he only allows Fiona to dress him and to get him out of his car seat etc. He also wants to do everything himself at his pace and in his way which leads to lots of tantrums and unhappiness as we often just cannot do everything the way he wants it! Not easy - but one realises that there is light at the end of the tunnel as Emma is now so cooperative after her doing exactly the same.
They both went through a stage of wanting to sleep in our bed which just does not work as they take over the whole bed within seconds. So after some very long nights and very bleary days, we put up with comforting the apparently unhappy/scared child (read manipulator) at his/her cot and then putting them back down instead of doing the easy thing and carrying them through. The problem seems largely solved (although Emma still gets us up at 06:00 - she is like an alarm - to snuggle up in bed with us for the last few minutes before getting up).
Their language ability is developing extremely quickly - which makes communication so much more easier. They also now lead us to whatever they are trying to tell us about which makes things easier. So those marvellous moments of understanding are becoming more and more common. A great experience after so much crying because we just could not understand for so long.
An interesting event is the resurrection of many of their toys. Many of the toys are now being used as they should have been months ago (they were too young to do so). Nice to experience the enjoyment of getting things right.
Interesting to see how Daniel is very detail-orietated - even needing his supper arranged in a specific way. He has a phenomenal eye for detail and can remember the names of many of the stranger, hard-to-remember wild animals on our chart - Emma can't - she just takes a full on guess. She will do well in sales!
Emma is losing her shyness and so going out is easier as she does not cling to mommy and daddy for too long. A visiting friend from England, Clare, remarked that she looks just like Meg Ryan.
Emma showed an interesting streak the other day - a boy at creche bit her - not badly but enough to cause a bit of distress. A few days later, she bit him - and only him - in exactly the same place on his arm that he bit her on. She remembers and then waits her turn so watch out!
They are fighting quite a bit now - quarreling over virtually every toy that the other has. This is driving us quite mad. The best way is to distract them with a game but our energy levels are not always there!
We have put up our Xmas tree and a few extra lights. Boy are they loved! After my experience last Xmas Eve, in which I could not find Xmas carols on any of the 100's of TV and Radio stations that we have access to, we bought some christmas carol CDs. On the first night, we played Boney M's album which ended up with lots of mad dancing and laughter from the twins. Ever since then, they have been asking for the TV to be turned on so we can play the Christmas Carols through the DVD recorder. Really nice to see them loving our culture almost instinctively - although our enthuisiasm for the much abused Boney M CD may have helped (we went wild!).
Fiona is on leave and ran herself into the ground trying to do too much all at once so today she is not feeling well at all. I go on leave tomorrow which is a very welcome break from what has been a tough year. However, things are looking up with the low oil price and the interest rate on a downward trend.
Lesley and John join us for almost three weeks on Saturday.
Is anybody watching or following the cricket? Hasn't the match been superb so far. Who ever said test match cricket is boring? Unfortunately, I think we blew it today but still it has been a fantastic experience. My office is forced to endure the saga as I have Radio 2000 going while the game is on.
We'll try put more news and photos on the blog more often now that it is holidays (well almost).

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